About Us
The British Society for Mental Health and Deaf People (BSMHD) is the only UK charity that focuses entirely on the promotion of the positive mental health of deaf people.
Deaf people who use British Sign Language are almost twice as likely to have mental health issues compared with the general population (40% against 25%). Deaf people experience more emotional stressors and have less access to support when compared to hearing people. There has also been a history of stigma about mental illness in the Deaf community, leading to isolation and loneliness in a close knit community.
The BSMHD campaign for the healthy emotional, psychological and social development of all deaf people, whatever their language or communication preferences. We do this through networking events, training courses, conferences, workshops and the dissemination of information.
We are a registered charity and have over 150 members.

Mental Health
First Aid

Training in Mind

Cronfa Gymunedol
Community Fund
